- 3.2 Hardware Configuration Specification. To specify hardware configuration, you must follow the PCCOM set up syntax. In this section, we only introduce how to write the hardware configuration file, more details syntax specification please see the APPENDIX C.
- PX4 Flow Windows Drivers Posted by Rick Huebner on January 20, 2015 at 12:34pm I have been trying to install windows drivers for the PX4Flow.
Drivers for laptop Intermec CV61: the following page shows a menu of 34 devices compatible with the laptop model CV61, manufactured by 'Intermec'.To download the necessary driver, select a device from the menu below that you need a driver for and follow the link to download. OPTICALFLOW.flowcompmx etc. In both telemetry and dataflash logs didn't look right. In both cases, the values reported by the Copter didn't look right (values were too small, biased towards one direction only, less frequently updated, etc.). Although they look OK if you connect to PX4FLOW and look at the mavlink data directly. Supports both new and old PX4 log formats (.ulg,.px4log,.bin) Allows saving plots as images. PX4Tools is a log analysis toolbox for the PX4 autopilot written in Python. The recommended installation procedure is to use anaconda3. See px4tools github page for details.
Pixhawk® is an independent open-hardware project providing readily-available, low-cost, and high-end, autopilot hardware designs to the academic, hobby and industrial communities.'Pixhawk-series' boards run PX4 on the NuttX OS.
Manufacturers have created many different boards based on the open designs, with form factors that are optimised for applications from cargo carrying though to first person view (FPV) racers.
For computationally intensive tasks (e.g. computer vision) you will need a separate companion computer (e.g. Raspberry Pi 2/3 Navio2) or a platform with an integrated companion solution (e.g. Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight).
Key Benefits
Key benefits of using a Pixhawk series controller include:
- Software support - as PX4 reference hardware these are our best-maintained boards.
- Flexibility in terms of hardware peripherals that can be attached.
- High quality.
- Highly customizable in terms of form factor.
- Widely-used and thus well-tested/stable.
- Automated update of latest firmware via QGroundControl (end-user friendly).
Recommended Boards
The following products in the series are recommended/regularly tested with PX4:
This is not an exhaustive list of all boards that can run PX4. Other boards are linked from the sidebar, and there may be other flight controllers that we have not documented.
The rest of this topic explains a bit more about the Pixhawk series, but is not required reading.
The Pixhawk project creates open hardware designs in the form of schematics, which define a set of components (CPU, sensors, etc.) and their connections/pin mappings.
Manufacturers are encouraged to take the open designs and create products that are best suited to a particular market or use case (the physical layout/form factor not part of the open specification). Boards based on the same design are binary compatible.
While a physical connector standard is not mandated, newer products generally follow the Pixhawk Connector Standard.
The project also creates reference autopilot boards based on the open designs, and shares them under the same licence.
FMU Versions
The Pixhawk project has created a number of different open designs/schematics.All boards based on a design should be binary compatible (run the same firmware).
Each design is named using the designation: FMUvX (e.g.: FMUv1, FMUv2, FMUv3, FMUv4, etc.).Higher FMU numbers indicate that the board is more recent,but may not indicate increased capability (versions can be almost identical - differing only in connector wiring).
PX4 users generally do not need to know very much about FMU versions:
- QGroundControl automatically downloads the correct firmware for a connected autopilot (based on its FMU version 'under the hood').
- Choosing a controller is usually based on physical constraints/form factor rather than FMU version.
PX4 developers need to know the FMU version of their board, as this is required to build custom hardware.
At very high level, the main differences are:
- FMUv2: Single board with STM32427VI processor (Pixhawk 1, HKPilot32, Pixfalcon, DroPix)
- FMUv3: Identical to FMUv2, but usable flash doubled to 2MB (Pixhawk 2,Pixhack v3,mRo Pixhawk, Pixhawk Mini (Discontinued))
- FMUv4: Increased RAM. Faster CPU. More serial ports. No IO processor (Pixracer)
- FMUv4-PRO: Slightly increased RAM. More serial ports. IO processor (Pixhawk 3 Pro)
- FMUv5: New processor (F7). Much faster. More RAM. More CAN busses. Much more configurable.(Pixhawk 4,CUAV v5,CUAV V5+,CUAV V5 nano)
Licensing and trademarks
Pixhawk project schematics and reference designs are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.
The license allows you to use, sell, share, modify and build on the files in almost any way you like - provided that you give credit/attribution, and that you share any changes that you make under the same open source license (see the human readable version of the license for a concise summary of the rights and obligations).
Boards that are derived directly from Pixhawk project schematic files (or reference boards) must be open sourced. They can't be commercially licensed as proprietary products.
Manufacturers can create (compatible) fully independent products by first generating fresh schematic files that have the same pin mapping/components as the FMU designs. Products that are based on independently created schematics are considered original works, and can be licensed as required.
Product names/brands can also be trademarked. Trademarked names may not be used without the permission of the owner.
Pixhawk is a trademark, and cannot be used in product names without permission.
Additional Information

Drivers Px4 Flow Com 14 Versos

Drivers Px4 Flow Com 14 Semanas
All Pixhawk-series flight controllers support:
- A user facing RGB UI LED to indicate the current readiness to fly status of the vehicle. This is typically a superbright I2C peripheral, which may or may not be mounted on the board (i.e. FMUv4 does not have one on board and typically uses an LED mounted on the GPS).
- Three Status LEDs that provide lower level power status, bootloader mode and activity, and error information.
Drivers Px4 Flow Com 14 Anos
To interpret the LEDs see: LED Meanings.