Who We Are
$65 driving lessons, drivers ed, traffic school. Patient instructors. Available 7 days a week. Call 916-721-4001.
Costa Rica Driver & Adventure has been committed to serve individual travelers, groups and families since 2002. We invite you to discover the wonders of Costa Rica and witness our wide experience, creativity, knowledge and personalized service. We assure that every tourist visiting our beautiful country, whether individual or with a group, will enjoy the delights of eco-tourism, culture and adventure, from border to border and from coast to coast.
Welcome to Costa Rica Driver & Adventure

We have more than 14 years of experience offering private, reliable, personalized and responsible services to our clients. For us, the most important thing is to provide the best and most reliable information possible to anyone interested in discovering all the biological diversity, different ecosystems, history and culture of beautiful Costa Rica while driving with us!
With base locations in San José, Liberia, Arenal/La Fortuna, Monteverde, Manuel Antonio, Tamarindo, Sierpe and Limón, we know all the important attractions this country has to offer, even the ones that don't appear on the internet or 'travel guide books'. We also offer first class services to our clients so they have a much more significant and enriching experience!
Costa Rica Driver & Adventure offers private transportation with very modern vehicles (vans, buses and SUV's), driver-guides in Spanish, English and French. We operate transfers from hotel to hotel, to/from San José (SJO) or Liberia (LIR) International Airports and the ports of Caldera, Puntarenas, Limón and Moín.
We offer ONE DAY TOURS all over the country (city tours, national parks, active volcanoes, beaches, river safaris, etc.); ECO-ADVENTURE TOURS (hiking at rain/cloud/dry forests, night walks, horseback riding, secret waterfalls, zip lines, hanging bridges, waterfall's rappelling, mountain biking, birdwatching, white water rafting, sea kayaking, snorkeling, diving, surfing, fishing, etc.); tours for CRUISE SHIP passengers, MULTIDAY CUSTOM ITINERARIES and 'TOURS EN ROUTE' to your next destination.
- Welcome to Lenovo Technical Support Drivers, Updates, How-To Guides, Technical Help and more Lenovo is replacing distrusted GeoTrust certificates with new DigiCert certificates. GeoTrust will not be trusted by major browsers as early as October.
- Welcome to Lenovo Technical Support Drivers, Updates, How-To Guides, Technical Help and more Lenovo is replacing distrusted GeoTrust certificates with new DigiCert certificates. GeoTrust will not be trusted by major browsers as early as October.
All our driver-guides have been carefully selected and trained to provide the best service. This, combined with our modern vehicles and reasonable prices, makes Costa Rica Driver & Adventure your best choice for private transportation and private tours in this beautiful country!
Our main priority is to make our clients feel safe and comfortable at all times. Enjoy their vacations without the hard work of driving in a foreign country with missing street signs, roads in bad conditions and GPS locations that are not always correct! We give important information and great suggestions for hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, souvenir shops or incredible landscapes and sceneries to take pictures!
We understand that the main purpose of a vacation is to build memories that will last a lifetime! We are also travelers and we understand how important vacation time is for people. This is why Costa Rica Driver & Adventure emphasizes in the high quality in the services of our driver-guides. From travelers to travelers!
PA Traffic Ticket Fines and Costs

Under normal circumstances, all traffic tickets cost the same throughout the state. Fines are determined by violation, and those fines are the same throughout Pennsylvania. Refer to the state for a full list of PA traffic fines.
Most tickets have the exact fine printed on them; check your ticket for your fine. If you've misplaced your ticket, refer to our section on replacing lost traffic tickets.
Conveniently, court costs and other surcharges are―typically―the same throughout the state, too. This is because the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) sets a uniform standard.
If your ticket doesn't include any information about court costs and other surcharges, contact your county court for more information.
DUI Surcharges
Pennsylvania has a multi-tier system of DUI fines and penalties. Generally, these do not vary by town, city, or county.
- General Impairment: 0.08% to 0.099%: $300 to $5,000, depending on offense number.
- High: BAC 0.10% to 0.159%: $500 to $10,000, depending on offense number.
- Highest: BAC 0.16% and higher: $1,000 to $10,000, depending on offense number.
NOTE: These fines are only the beginning. Depending on your BAC and the offense number, you'll also face penalties including but not limited to license suspension, jail time, enrollment in alcohol highway safety school, a treatment program, and an ignition interlock system.

For more information on the fines and penalties associated with DUI, check out Section Four of Pennsylvania's Driver's Manual.
Pay Ticket
(Plead Guilty or No Contest)
- Pay the fine.
- Incur points on your driving record (which could lead to license suspension or revocation).
- Experience an increase in auto insurance rates.
Learn more about
Paying your Traffic Ticket »
Fight Ticket
(Plead Not Guilty)
- Contest the ticket during a hearing.
- Hire a traffic ticket attorney to represent you.
- Perhaps lose the option of pleading to a lesser charge.
- Experience no penalties if found not guilty (except any applicable court/attorney fees).
- Appeal the guilty verdict (if applicable).
Learn more about
Fighting your Traffic Ticket »
Auto Insurance Rate Increase
Some drivers experience an increase in their auto insurance rates; it's a sort of residual penalty for committing a traffic offense.
Talk with your provider about a possible increase; if you find out you will be penalized, start shopping for lower car insurance rates online.
Pennsylvania Traffic Ticket Penalties
Overall, penalties remain the same throughout the state. Check out the state's full list of PA traffic fines.
Pennsylvania Point System
Pennsylvania puts points on your driving record for each traffic violation of which you're found guilty. Points range from 2 to 5, but you can accumulate many more depending on how many violations you get during a single traffic stop.
Once you accumulate a certain number of points (see below), the state will take action to both improve your driving skills and help you lower your driving record points and avoid driver's license suspension.
PA Driver's License Suspension and Revocation
Some violations lead to automatic, mandatory license suspension or revocation. These can be based on driving record points, criminal convictions, or failure to satisfy a court order or judgment.
License Suspension: Typically, license suspensions are for a specific, predetermined period of time. Sometimes you might have to satisfy requirements to get your license back; other times you might not.
License Revocation: Often, license revocations are for undetermined periods of time. Usually, a driver with a revoked license will have to meet certain requirements before having his license reinstated.
Point accumulation is a common reason for license suspension. Pennsylvania can suspend your license for:
- When any driver reaches or more, their driver's license will automatically be suspended.
Section Four of Pennsylvania's Driver's Manual provides information about the various ways a driver can lose his license to suspension or revocation (unrelated to points).
Examples include:

- DUI violations.
- Committing a felony with a vehicle.
- Committing a homicide with a vehicle.
- Reckless driving.
- Fleeing from a police officer.
- Driving with an already suspended or revoked license.
- Failure to stop for a school bus with flashing red lights.
Penalties for Drivers Younger than 21 Years Old
If you're younger than 21 years old, you're considered to be driving under the influence if you have a BAC of 0.02% or higher and are at risk for license suspension, fines, and even jail time. The severity depends on the offense (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or subsequent), but understand that even a 1st offense can get you:
Check the Section Four of Pennsylvania's Driver's Manual for more information on how the state handles for drivers under 21 years old in regard to DUI.
Penalties for Drivers Younger than 18 Years Old
Drivers younger than 18 years old face license suspension if they:
Penalties for Pennsylvania Commercial Drivers
First Offenses
Pennsylvania will suspend or revoke your CDL for at least 1 year if you:
- Drive your CMV under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- Refuse a blood alcohol test.
- Commit a felony with a CMV.
- Leave an accident scene and fail to report it.
- Have an accident causing personal injury or death with a CMV.
- Cause damage to an unattended vehicle or other property with a CMV.
- Drive a CMV while your CDL is suspended, revoked, cancelled, or recalled.
You will:
- Lose your CDL for 3 years if you commit any of these offenses while operating a CMV placarded for transporting hazardous materials.
- Lose your CDL for life if you commit a felony involving a CMV and controlled substances.
Second Offenses
You'll lose your CDL for life if you commit any of the offenses in the “First Offenses' section a 2nd time.
Serious Traffic Offenses
You can lose your CDL for at least:
- 60 days if you commit 2 serious offenses with your CMV within a period of 3 years.
- 120 days if you commit 3 serious offenses with your CMV within a period of 3 years.
You are committing a serious traffic violation if you:
- Are driving “carelessly' or “recklessly.'
- Change lanes in an erratic or improper manner.
- Drive too closely behind another driver.
- Operate a CMV without obtaining, or without having present, your CDL.
- Operate a CMV without the properly classed CDL.
- Commit an offense that involves a fatal traffic accident using your CMV.
Additional Offenses

Other offenses put your CDL at risk for suspension, too. Offenses such as railroad-highway grade crossing violations and violating out-of-service orders can get you suspensions that last anywhere from 1 year to 3 years.
Drivers Action Costa W7hp Martinez
For more information, check Section One of the Pennsylvania Commercial Driver's Manual.