Toro is owned by its own dedicated community of small and medium-sized Mendoza winegrowers, from whom all grapes for Toro wines are sourced. Supported by its remarkable legacy of winemaking excellence in Argentina, Toro maintains a 20% market share of wine consumption in its home market and is the top-selling wine brand in South America. The Toro Company is a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf and landscape maintenance, snow and ice management, underground utility construction, rental and specialty construction, and irrigation and outdoor lighting solutions.
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Replace the Drive Belt on Single-Stage Snow Blower
How to Assemble a Toro Single Stage Snow Blower
by Matthew Lawonn
Menomonee Falls, WI
About seven years ago, my Grandfather and I decided that it was time for a new lawn mower. We both agreed that it would be better for us to go to a dealer, so we can get to know the people behind the name, rather than a “big box store” approach. So, when we walked into the dealership, we knew that we would be there awhile. There were many to choose from! Panasonic driver download for windows. Thankfully, the sales associate led us to the Toro mowers. The associate introduced us to the features of the Super Recycler line of mowers. Whether it was the Briggs and Stratton engine or the superior bagging the Super Recycler delivers, I knew from that moment on, that I was a Toro-Man.
The summer seemed to fly by and the leaves were already falling. It was time to start thinking about snow removal! Since we had so much success with the Toro Super Recycler, my Grandfather and I decided to go with a Toro Snow Thrower (to be specific, a Toro CCR 2450). With every snowfall, I looked forward to going out to throw snow 40 feet!
- Turn to Toro for durable, high-performance landscaping equipment that helps homeowners, lawn contractors, golf applications, and numerous other industries.
- Toro also makes a Recycler 22-inch version, the 20339. It is similar to our budget pick, Toro’s 20340 model, but this one is about 15 percent cheaper because it lacks the Personal Pace self.
Many of my neighbors saw how fast and efficient I was with the Toro. Because of this, they began to ask me if I would be able to take care of their snow removal needs. With a smile, I agreed. As the seasons changed, I acquired more and more Toro lawn/snow equipment. With every one of those seasons, yard work became more and more easy.
I have not been able to keep my Toro obsession to myself: When I began the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I noticed that many people had stickers on their laptops. I felt as if my red laptop was bland and needed some attention. So, I thought that a Toro sticker would do the trick! Now, every time someone sees me around campus, they stop and ask, “Do you work for Toro?” and I simply reply, “I am a Toro enthusiast and it would be a dream to work for them!”
Not only do people around campus ask me, but people at the local coffee shop in Menomonee Falls, WI ask as well. One individual, Steve Sprinkmann, stood out from the rest when he asked me. He not only asked me if I worked for Toro, but he also introduced me to the Toro Striping System. I was instantly intrigued and wanted more information. From there, he was able to direct me in the right direction.
So far, the Toro Striping System has worked wonderfully! Not only does it leave noticeably vivid stripes, but it also makes the neighbors jealous!
I am so very thankful for the Toro Company and their wonderful products. Because of Toro, my work has become noticeably easier due to the easy-to-use features, dependability, and durability of the products. I also know that if I ever have a problem, I know the Toro network of dealerships is there to assist me with my needs.

My passion for Toro has exponentially grown as the years have passed. I have collected more and more Toro equipment and neat Toro items. I can never have too much Toro! Toro has been an influential part of my life and for that, I am so very thankful.
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Here is a list of my Toro equipment
- Toro Super Recycler Lawn Mower
- Toro Recycler Lawn Mower (2)
- Toro Gas Trimmer
- Toro Gas Edger
- Toro CCR 2540 Snow Thrower
- Toro 421q Snow Thrower
- Toro 826 OXE Snow Thrower
- Toro Super Blower Leaf Blower
- Toro Neon Sign
I hope and pray that Toro has a lasting impact on your life, like it has mine.
Products designed to make yard clean-up easy. With innovative features that are intuitive, hassle-free, and time-saving, Toro will make your yard the envy of your neighbors.
Flashdisk usb mass storage controller driver combo. You have a lot of ground to cover. You're also a perfectionist. Toro's high-quality equipment and precision irrigation systems let you easily care for every detail.
Offering a vast portfolio of innovative, professional landscaping equipment for all seasons. From cutting grass, debris removal, plowing snow, irrigation, and more, we've got you covered.

Professionals and contractors around the world count on the Toro brand and our products to deliver durability, productivity, and performance.
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High-performing products that keep large turf areas beautiful and healthy-while saving you time, water and energy.
Advanced drip irrigation technology for improving crop yields and conserving precious water and resources.
We all play a part in protecting our water resources. Toro’s many advanced irrigation technologies help you water more efficiently, while still getting those great results you desire.
Products that are easy-to-use; durable and productivity-focused to maximize your ROI.
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Products For:
HomeownerGolfProfessional ContractorSports Fields & GroundsAgricultureRentalGovernmentIrrigation#ToroSocial
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